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Me and my wonderful adventures on Etsy.
Case number one: Bloggers come in and take my stuff for free...

So my second big convention just finished around the end of march and I was planning on going organizing my incoming commissions on etsy and post-conventions on field.
One thing or should I say it repeats three time in less than two weeks is that blogger come to my immaterial door and ring it. Saying that they are good willing to reviews and such: showing they're great middle pack-followers facebook and twitter (from 1000 to 5000). I don't have a thing to say about them i'm at only half a thousant so yeah.

But it all came to the last word of all of them "I'd be happy to get for free". Then "what if I'm not happy if you get for free ?"
I don't even live from doing perler beads. I guess I could be part of a group or even an association big enough who is part of any convention my own country but no I am not part of that.
I could actually be good willing and hard working to get trough that and working somehow with a big association but for the time being I prefer to be alone make a name of myself.

Selling in the all world may have give this people that want to review my work but ask for free stuff in exchange. Maybe it's my fault on this part if people tend to be more and more interested but man' all work need to be paid you cannot go out with free stuff.

I may sound on the edge but I'm perplexed by all of that I cleraly wasn't exepceting non buyers who actually ask for items and exchange against their good willing and their fanbases wich ever size it is.

My mind is pretty set and I actually don't want to give them for free. I don't care if people start to review that I'm not willing to give away free stuff to random not even followers who support me. I'm not even in the top 5 perler beads around Da. My Genese point is still not here and I don't think bloggers are gonna give me the extra.

So now after reading all my angry thoughts somehow, even if I'm clearly not, surprised would be a good fit. Like wtf, what did I do to even get blooggers who dare to ask for free stuff. What I'm doing any perler people can actually do it with time and patience. I surely not the most skilled or beloved one I still got time to grow for that.

If you were will you be accepting sending free stuff to the other corner of the world to get some review of bloggers who are follow by an average fanbase ?

I'm clearly open to the discussion and I guess this subject show up and I give to you my point of view. I'm perplexed about of the sudden bloggers who ask me and I kinda don't want to throw some of my small amount of money earned.  
© 2015 - 2024 Cimenord
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floxido's avatar
C'est vrai que c'est un sujet compliqué.
D'un coté, comme tu dis, tout travaille mérite salaire. Mais d'un autre, si les bloggers sont vraiment connus, qu'ils sont beaucoup suivis, qu'ils ont une influence certaine sur le milieu, et si tu veux augmenter le nombre de tes ventes, que tu aies une plus grosse notoriété, une plus grand place dans le milieu, il faut peut-être considérer la chose. Mais faut bien faire attention qui te demande ça, faut faire ta petite recherche sur qui ils sont et leur influence avant de pouvoir te faire un avis.
Et aussi, comme tu dis, donner des choses gratuites ça coûte de l'argent, donc c'est un point vraiment important :)
Donc à toi de faire les pour et les contre avant de prendre ta décision :)